There’s Always Next Year!

Today was a sunny day I think… I wouldn’t know of course as that pleasure has been taken away from me since I joined the world of retail and signed the contract which stated ‘I must stay pale.’ I come home to my parents and boyfriend who have gleefully caught ‘the sun’ and I suddenly thought how in this incidence, I’m always doing the chasing, and never the catching!

Living in the UK means that summer is short, winter is long and that over the years, the thought of that summer sun is only associated with trips over the ocean, no matter which one it is! As a consequence of this unfortunate upbringing, you start to like the winter, look forward the snow and just can’t wait to get those wooly jumpers out of the wardrobe!

Today was a day like many others, a day that prompted jealousy. As the numerous people in short shorts walked by and those unpainted toe nails came out to greet once again, I stood by my desk and hoped that somewhere and somehow, those BBQ burgers were burning, those flowery deck chairs were snapping and finally that that one cloud up in the sky has decided that he wants the sun all to himself!

Oh well, there’s always next year…