Tomorrow’s a new day!

It’s that time of the week again, the end of the weekend. As much as you get the Friday feeling at the end of the week, I get the Sunday feeling at the end of the weekend. It’s pretty much on-going really, the feeling of dread that that 6am start is coming so fast and there is no way to stop it. The only saving grace I have I suppose is the fact that my job is such a great one. This weekend’s been quick, really quick. I can’t remember what I’ve done and whether I did what I think I did, this weekend or last weekend. It all starts to merge into one with no way of distinguishing itself unless something major happens. Of course this weekend was Bonfire weekend and as much as we had a great night, the tiredness took over once again and I couldn’t wait to get in my gorgeous comfy bed with my “sleep” pillow.

This week went unusually slow yet I did a lot, got loads done and didn’t really feel too tired at the end of it. This week I went on my first business trip which was amazing but overwhelming at where I had come in the last few months and how much my life had changed. Six months ago I was sat in my University house watching This Morning, Loose Women and Pointless from 9 till 5 waiting for the days to just pass by. Now, although slightly similar, I get up in the dark, get home in the dark but much differently my days are full of things to do.

So tomorrow’s a new day, a new week and the chance to do something different. I always think that everyday counts as a second chance as you can decide to do the same again, or do something different, better and something you’ve never done before. Like I said last week and I’ll say for the rest of my life, I want to do it all and so I will try my best to treat every day differently! It seems hard to promise that as there are many things in my life that are part of a routine but if I do at least one thing differently, I would’ve already met my goal.

So I offer you the chance to join me, do something different every day and see if it changes your life or makes you happier in anyway. As if you do and it doesn’t change you, what have you lost? Nothing, you’ve gained a new experience, a bit of variation and another thing to tick off your bucket list!

Fancy it?