Camera, Set, Action!

This week has been a week for action. Everyday this week I have been rushed off my feet with my new job and I couldn’t be happier. Some may say I’m a workaholic, I’d just say they didn’t enjoy working. I suppose it’s not that I enjoy working as I love coming home to my boyfriend and parents for an evening of rubbish TV as much as the next person, it’s just, why do something every day of the week if you end up hating it and yourself.

I live by the motto life is short, because it is! 10 years ago I was 11, starting my high school days and now I’m here, I’ve finished College, University and I’m now in my first big girls job! When I look back all those years so much has happened, I’ve lost friends, gained friends and had a few loves along the way. So now when I look at myself and feel how happy I am I realise that what makes me happy (I’m not sure if its the same for everyone) is to love every part of my life. Some people like to moan, some people like sadness, but I can’t be dealing with that. Why would you want to cry until your sobbing when you can laugh until your crying! Yes I believe that life is short, but I don’t think I’d want it any other way. Nothing else would push me, motivate me to try and make the most of myself. I always think ‘I want to do everything’ and I try my hardest to do it.

When you look at the phrase life is short, it’s weird because I’ve never heard anyone say that life is too slow. However, when your sat at your desk at work waiting for the hours to click by,
I do believe that hours can feel like days. I again experienced that Friday feeling and it actually drove me through the week… ‘On Saturday I get to wear leggings and be comfy’ is all I kept thinking and here I am on Saturday wearing leggings! It’s great when things are fulfilled, like when you do something good at work, or you surprise someone and they get that gorgeous look on their face which then doesn’t require a thank you.

This week has been a week of action, I completed my first week of tasks at work, made a few mistakes (but who doesn’t), I went to the gym the allotted numbers of times I wanted to and I ate healthily all through the week. Obviously these tasks and my personal goals are small, tiny bits of action which to the next person will never get noticed but to me they’re massive! Like Mount Everest really. But again where the motto comes in is here, life is short so why be disappointed when you didn’t do the things you wanted to do, you’ve got to revel in the moment and make sure that even if you don’t have an action packed week you admire the hours and days and what you did in them because they’re never coming back and all you can do is look ahead for more!

So do, look ahead for more and take action. Take every chance you can, walk over hot coals, do a bungee jump but no matter what happens make sure you climb your Everest’s however big or small.

So, you ready?

Camera, Set, Action!